Astrological Consultation Fees
Consultations details and consultation fees with Astrologer Zayin Julien Cohen
Natal Birthchart Complete Consultation
A recording of your birth chart analysis, on CD or written and mailed to you. or in person or by skype. A view of the dynamics and issues of one’s life, birth to death, with a focus on the optimal paths towards self-fulfillment and happiness. The consultation is intended to be uplifting and inspiring, but also deals frankly with more problematic dimensions of one’s experience.Please note there’s a waiting list for recorded and written consultations.All recorded or written Consultations will be sent to the client only after payment in full is received.
The length of Zayin’s waiting list for consultations he records and mails typically varies between three to six calendar days Zayin is generally available for face-to-face sessions at his home or office, by phone or skype at much shorter notice typically within 36 to 72 hours. This is the consultation most first-time clients will want.60 Mins in length.Fee:$210.00
Contact him directly for current specifics at
Natal Birth Chart Mini Consultation
Less in detail,but great for a first time client, should one need to know less. 30 mins in length.
Fee $99.00
Please note there’s a waiting list for any recorded Consultations.The length of Zayin’s waiting list for consultations he records and mails typically varies between three and six calendar days Zayin is generally available for face-to-face sessions at his home, by phone or skype at much shorter notice typically within 36 to 72 hours.
Contact him directly for current specifics at
Synastry (Relationship) Consultation
Recorded Relationship consultation. A consideration of two or more charts from any type of relationship’s perspective, the charts’ interactions and the larger potentials they create together. State where (city & state or country) the people met. Please note that Zayin can’t not do such analysis unless he his fully assured that all parties have been informed.
Please remember that Zayin shall need the written permission of both persons to prepare the synastry.
Fee: $270.00
Please note there’s a waiting list for any recorded consultations. The length of Zayin’s waiting list for consultations he records and mails typically varies between three and six calendar days, Zayin is generally available for face-to-face sessions at his home,office, by phone or skype at much shorter notice – typically within 36 to 72 hours.
Contact him directly for current specifics at
Transits and Solar Arcs Directions Consultation
An astrological consultation of your transits and solar arc directions (your astrological current events), recorded and mailed or emailed to you. A “current events” analysis, looking at the trends, possibilities, and potentials of approximately the past couple of years and the next couple of years. The time frame varies with the amount of astrological activity occurring in one’s chart.
Fee: $180.00 For Transits or Solar Arcs Consultation.
See above information in regards Birth Chart Consultation.
Please note there’s a waiting list for any recorded consultations. The length of Zayin’s waiting list for consultations he records and mails typically varies between three and six calendar days. Zayin is generally available for face-to-face sessions at his home, office ,by phone or skype at much shorter notice – typically within 36 to 72 hours
Contact him directly for current specifics at
Horary Consultation
$75.00 for up to three questions.if asked all at the same time,or $39.00 per question,otherwise.
This consultations by phone in person, or skype can be done on a shorter notice than any of Zayin’s other consultations, typically within 15-36 hours.
Solar Return Consultation
A Solar Return Chart,is a chart based on the exact date and time that your Natal Sun Returns back to the exact time of your Birth.This type of chart and consultation,shows the Trends and Personal Pattens for the upcoming ,or current year in your life.Along with Transits,it can give a clear view of any year in your life.
Fee $114.00
Please note there’s a waiting list for recorded consultation. The length of Zayin’s waiting list for consultations he records and mails typically varies between three and six calendar days. Zayin is generally available for face-to-face sessions at his office,by phone or skype at much shorter notice – typically within 36 to 72 hours.
Contact him directly for current specifics at
Notice: Below is more details of Zayin’s fees
Zayin also offers other consultations as well,which vary in cost. Such as a Mini Natal Chart Consultation,which is $99.00 and last approximately 30 minutes
Zayin’s fees run from $39.00 to $270.00 All of Zayin’s First Time Consultation Fees unless specified and requested and chosen other wise, by the Client beforehand as stated in the above package listing of fees,are $210.00 per hour. The Client will be charged on an per hour basis, unless Client has chosen a package rate as disclosed in this agreement beforehand..
Most full follow up sessions consist of one hour and the fee is $180.00,30 mins is $96.00 Also Zayin will work with you on his Fees,should such a situation arise for you.Simply inform Zayin of the matter beforehand. Zayin foremost concern is helping his Clients.
Contact Zayin for further details,or any question you may have, either by email at by skype at cohen.astrology or by Phone at 757-251-9342 and always feel free to leave a message 24/7. Consultation hours are as follows. Sunday – Friday 12 noon until 12 Midnight ET.
General Consultation Instructions
All Consultations are by appointment Only.
Before the actual consultation Zayin will need the following: 3 items listed below, only if your birth time and place is in doubt. Otherwise only the full birth data is needed. This includes the date,month.year,time and place of birth.
- Time, date and place of birth, plus any irregularities about the time zone that you might know about, such as the use of standard time instead of daylight, etc. If you don’t know of any such thing, it is probably not a problem.
- Zayin will need three or MORE event dates, and he shall need to know in brief what the events were. These would be things such as illnesses, accidents, relationships or marriages beginning or ending, children if any, major job changes, changes of residence, or deaths of important loved ones if such have occurred.These are used to see how well the given birth information has worked with past events. Sometimes small adjustments will be made to the given birth data based on this work. Therefore, the dates should be given at least to the month and year; preferably to the day, month, and year. The year alone may not be sufficient.This information is only needed should your Birth Time be in question.
- A brief description of any areas of your life you would like to focus on, or particular things you would like to hear about or have done in the consultation.
VERY IMPORTANT. Your email address must be submitted to Zayin and a telephone number beforehand in the event that Zayin may have to contact you. Zayin accepts all major credit cards, debit cards, PayPal, Cash App, Venmo, personal/business checks,and money orders.With any check payments Zayin allows 7 days to clear your bank, with said consultation will be conducted.
All consultations except those in person,must be paid in full before the consultation appointment. Should you will be paying by check,money order for a phone ,email,recorded, written or Skype consultation, the check or money order must arrive before the time of your appointment.
There is a $66.00 cancellation Fee for any consultation,unless you give Zayin an 24 hour cancellation notice.
Once your appointment has been made, if you are paying by check or money order, please make it payable to Cohen Astrology, or Zayin Cohen.